Excerpts from With Eyes Unclouded
The Abiders Urban Achiever Podcast
Attempting humility amidst time of Egocentricity: How an Urban Achiever Podcast Came to Be

Attempting humility amidst time of Egocentricity: How an Urban Achiever Podcast Came to Be

When everyone has a voice, when anyone can turn a microphone on and access an audience, why would you be compelled to listen to me?  From where can I bring the incentive to stand out or garner an audience?  That's the thrust of what I ask today...  Just me, no guest, as I address the internal conflict of where the lines blur between pushing my ideology and sharing something that may yet prove to be of value.  What separates this message from the endless selection of podcasters, YouTubers, and bloggers to name a few?  In a time where everyone wants THEIR message heard, is it possible to share a message that transcends the ego?  The "I"?  How can we stand to be faithful witnesses to the troubles of our generation?  Perhaps today we can discuss that and much more in this session of The Abiders' Urban Achiever Podcast. Griefwalker by Tim Wilson:  https://www.nfb.ca/film/griefwalker/   The Orphan Wisdom School: https://orphanwisdom.com/  --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/abiders-urban-achiever/message Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/abiders-urban-achiever/support

Excerpts from With Eyes Unclouded
The Abiders Urban Achiever Podcast
A consideration into our relationship with "self" and "other." The deeper dive explores these relationships as they translate into divinity, time, behavior, and the accord with the natural world as it breaks under the language of "other" and "separate."
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